I think I took AOW a couple months after OW.
I took it because it was the next step in progression I guess and so I could go on dive boats. We had vacations planned to Australia and Hawaii and my dive shop mentioned I should probably have it to make operators happy.
Getting on dive boats in Monterey, CA they never asked to see an Advanced card. In fact right out of OW I found myself on the Cypress Point owned by Capt. Phil Sammet. We went to a wall outside of Point Lobos around 100’. Me and my also freshly minted OW buddy did a dive on the wall to 95’ using our trusty PADI tables, no DM no guide, just come back with 500 psi have fun and don’t die, pool’s open. We had a ball.
So AOW would have been pointless in that situation. I guess they must train divers to actually be able to dive where I’m from?
The funny part is, when I did the deep portion of the AOW I had already been much deeper doing my own OW dives. I was never told in OW that 60’ was my hard limit, they told us 130’, 140 in an emergency, we went according to the tables. I guess they blew standards, lol! Maybe I should report them!

I came down with the flu right during my initial AOW class and couldn’t do the second day. So when I got better the shop lined me up with another instructor and we went out to the ocean and finished up. We did a lot of navigation training since that’s critical where I dive. It was one on one and really good, lots of fun.
I thought my AOW was worth every penny.
I don’t know why everyone always bitches about AOW being worthless?