adjuster-jd:I've read the thread on how to transport the camera and strobes on the airplane, but what do you do to carry this gear onto the dive boat? Do you keep it in a case until ready to use?
I'm waiting on my new Inon strobe to arrive and don't have any kind of travel case for it yet. I'm pretty comfortable that I can fit my camera/housing/strobe into my carry-on bag, so I'm looking for advice as to what to do when getting on the boat.
Oly C-5050, PT-015, Inon D-2000, ULCS tray/arms
A soft sided cooler. I wrap my camera in a wet towel so it doesn't dry out between dives and keep in the soft sided cooler. After the dive, I use the cooler as my rinse tank. I found one that has velcro on the outside allowing it to be folded up flat to pack in my luggage.
I think it was Gilligan that has a photo on his website of using the kids "floaties" as padding if the cooler is too large for your rig. Pretty cool idea.