Thats a quite simple answer. NEVER EVER use any type of lanyard, clip, or any other various form of attachment to your self. That's a cardinal sin to use one of those. The hard and fast rule is what you take into the water be prepared to leave it there. I don't know how many times Ive seen divers with their silly clips get tangled up, have to fight to remove it underwater and lets not forget that shark who loved the camera housing more than the photographer did, whatcha going to do in that case? Oh please Mr. sharky let me unclip my camera so you can drag it off while I escape. Or that other time when the shark came to close and was beat over the head with the housing, and no it didnt flood.
Thats a quite simple answer. NEVER EVER use any type of lanyard, clip, or any other various form of attachment to your self. That's a cardinal sin to use one of those. The hard and fast rule is what you take into the water be prepared to leave it there. I don't know how many times Ive seen divers with their silly clips get tangled up, have to fight to remove it underwater and lets not forget that shark who loved the camera housing more than the photographer did, whatcha going to do in that case? Oh please Mr. sharky let me unclip my camera so you can drag it off while I escape. Or that other time when the shark came to close and was beat over the head with the housing, and no it didnt flood.