How do I correct a posting error?

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I posted a classified for my dive equipment and jut noticed an error. How can poosting errors be corrected?

You can edit any post in the past 24 hours by pushing the
button down in the bottom right corner of your post.

after 24 hours, you have to get a moderator to edit it.
Hi Mike,

It was more than 24 hours when I noticed the error. The > than 24 hours correction scheme seems like an inefficent way to promote accuracy in posts. I sent the correction to an interested party and the equipment was sold. Now I can't seem to figure out how to mark the equiment as sold or remove the classified post. Definitely, not new user friendly.

If all of the equipment is sold, you can lock the thread. If only some of it is sold, you can update the thread by listing what is still available.
The 24 hour window is to allow a reasonable time for a member to correct their postings. As it is a system-wide option - not classifieds specific - posts are locked after that to deter abuse.

Or in the case of the classifieds later creative "editing" of what was actually sold. (it's happened...)

Also In the past members have posted inflammatory topics generating a whole lot of controversy and then later edited them and denied doing so. The 24hr. rule seems to have minimized that occurrence.

To lock your thread after your items have sold select thread tools from the menu while viewing your post. The bottom option allows you to close the thread.

I understand the 24 hour limit better now. Still, it would be useful if there was someplace where site use conventions were listed. In any case thinks for the info.


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