How Deep on Air

How Deep Do You Routinely Dive On Air

  • less than 100'

    Votes: 32 23.7%
  • 100'

    Votes: 27 20.0%
  • 130'

    Votes: 33 24.4%
  • 160'(ish)

    Votes: 22 16.3%
  • 180'

    Votes: 14 10.4%
  • 218'

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • Above 1.6 ppO2

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters

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english not your first language either?...maybe you want to look up the definition of narrow minded and refrain from using it in the wrong context

please do go ahead and describe my contribution, i'm curious

what you mean "ask John if he will do any form of deep air diving"? that tells me you have no clue who he is and what he did lol

you missed the whole point of me listing those names, but whatever floats your boat as long as you don't attack me

hmmm let me throw another name at you to ponder...Sheck Exley

Doos comes to mind (You are correct English is not my first language) and the fact that you don't know John was one of the first trimix pioneers (as fellow explorers and friends around him died diving deep air) proves my point.

What's you point around Sheck?? High END death

t4e: OW diver for last 3 years, still need to kneel on the bottom to function?? You Rock man!!! I must agree with dive classification, Dork suit you well.

Umm.. then you've saved 50% given youve paid half of what you woulda had to. If you had saved 100% it woulda been free...

Well, then EAN is free for you. Or was the math a little confusing for you? Deep air can fry brain cells, be careful.

Yes, math is confusing for me actually. But then again, I take comfort in knowing it was so with Einstein too.

If I paid $1000 for air, but would have paid $2000 for EAN, did I save 100% or 50% of my cost?
If my current budget for air is $1000, but I want to purchase the same amount of EAN at twice the cost, I have to increase my budget by what %? Whatever that answer is is what I saved by using air.

Actual cost (AC) = 100% or 1/1 or 1
Potential cost (PC) = 200% of AC or 2/1 or 2
Savings of AC over PC? 2/1-1/1 or (2-1) = 1/1 or 1
1/1 or 1 = 100%

Now you may say that if something cost $2000 but you buy it for $1000 you are saving 50%, but that assumes $2000 is the whole or 1/1. In which case $1000 would be 1/2 or 50%. However, for me, air costs are the whole 1/1, so EAN is 2/1.

You can look at it as though you saved 50% of what you would have paid, or 100% of what you did pay. Either way, it appears the internet causes some divers to miss the main talking points and become mired in minutia.

Example (besides my nocturnal math ramblings): equating my occasional 130' and routine 100' dives to deep air. Awesome... I feel like such a bad ass now.


I see these types of discussion from three POV's, usually all talking past each other.

On the one hand some people appear to advocate the use of appropriate mixes for appropriate depths, to off set the effects of narcosis (or to accelerate deco but that's another discussion). Sometimes their proscriptions seem a little arbitrary when viewed from a real world perspective.

On the other hand, some people advocate doing deep air dives despite the dangers of narcosis, claiming to be able to offset those risks via training or natural tolerances. Sometimes their methodology seems a little anecdotal and unnecessarily risky considering the alternatives.

On the other other hand, some people see the issue as being not so black and white. They recognize the risks of narcosis but also understand that arbitrary limits don't always fit. In real life they are comfortable operating somewhat in the grey. Often, this outlook only pisses the other two sides off because neither feels they are getting 100% (or 50% for some) agreement. If you are not my friend, you are my enemy.

It can either be a mudfest or an opportunity to talk about the issues at play and educate other divers (like Indydiver).
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100% is everything, so if you paid $2000 for nitrox, thats your 100%, making the $1000 for air 50%.
If you save 100% (everything) what you get cost you 0.
100% is everything, so if you paid $2000 for nitrox, thats your 100%, making the $1000 for air 50%.
If you save 100% (everything) what you get cost you 0.

Sorry my total cost was $1000, 100%. My possible cost was $2000, a projected 100% increase. By buying air I saved that 100% increase in cost - which was my original point. That by using air on dives where air was sufficient I saved a lot of money.

It's a good example of people looking at the same subject from different perspectives and coming away with different results.
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I have saved 100% on fills (EAN being twice as much as air for me).

DaleC, we (I at least) understood what you were TRYING to say, and we can understand your confusion too, at first glance 100% increase and 100% decrease may seem like the same figures, it's a common mistake though, you're not alone, relax buddy, I was just poking fun at you ;)

Now, I would stop the attempts to explain your math though, lol, it's only making it look worst man.
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Some of us risk putting ourselves out there, others sit in the shadows and snipe. I checked out your profile - very revealing.

Anyways, I'd rather talk about the real issues regarding using air while diving, if there are any.
How many more times are you gonna change your response? 3 and counting? See, I was 100% correct, you are confused, makes it hard for others to follow a thoughtful convo bro.

DaleC, I'm not here to argue man, specially about simple math, sorry if I exposed your flawed math "out there", like I said, just poking fun at you.

I checked out your profile - very revealing.

Wow, I'm flattered, thanks for the visit, come back any time.
Now, I would stop the attempts to explain your math though, lol, it's only making it look worst man.

Here's some flawed english for you. I wasn't going to point it out as it added little to the discussion but hey...

I edit my posts sometimes because, as anal as some people are about math, I am about language. In my case though, I generally laugh at my own expense and make exceptions for others.
dalec and pavao.

i,m gonna guess you both ticked the less than 100ft choice.

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