How are gas prices and inflation going to affect your diving?

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Being a Dully and in the mountains is also not helping that! Are highway speed is 80 also I am sure if I was in flatter land it get better and slow it down a little.
And a 450... heavy chassis and gearing is more optimized for towing vs cruising. Our 3500 denali gets 21+ highway, 11-12 towing a 10.5k trailer, and 16 ish city.
All Winter I planned on driving 1,200 miles to Florida with all my gear to get Tech training in early May. When gas broke $5 gallon I canceled my plans and I am uncertain when I will get another chance to go.
All Winter I planned on driving 1,200 miles to Florida with all my gear to get Tech training in early May. When gas broke $5 gallon I canceled my plans and I am uncertain when I will get another chance to go.
You should change your name to “No” travel gas LOL.
I saw very few boats out in early July in Rockport, MA on a very hot day. I think the total number of boating hours - those actually running boats - has probably dropped substantially. People are out, but they tend to not travel as far.
All Winter I planned on driving 1,200 miles to Florida with all my gear to get Tech training in early May. When gas broke $5 gallon I canceled my plans and I am uncertain when I will get another chance to go.

What the hell do you drive?
What the hell do you drive?

A decommissioned M1 Abrams tank. Its gas mileage is measured in gallons per mile :)

People used to razz me about my Escape, saying you needed a truck for diving. Haven’t heard anything along those lines for months. I get 27 mpg even loaded down with tanks.
The price of Helium is on my mind also. I will need a lot of it for the training and diving I am looking to do.

On an unrelated note, this web site could use a good long U Boat thread, trip reviews, discussion the whole thing.

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