Hot Springs Village-Lake Desoto

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Reaction score
Durango, CO
# of dives
25 - 49
I have spent every summer of my life in HSV and on Lake Desoto. So, when the wife and I headed down this year for our family reunion, I decided to bring the gear and blow some bubbles. The lake has always been pretty clear, so I figured wth. Well, it had rained alot prior to my arrival, and conditions were less than great. Still fun to get UW though.

Lake Desoto, HSV
Temp: 82 surface
Thermocline:19 ft down to what had to be low 60s. I only had my 3 mm on, and my hands went numb faster than my cpu could cool off to give an accurate temp reading.
Vis at 5-10 ft: 10-15'
Vis at 15-30': 1-2'

I did not stay below the thermocline very long as the vis dropped to nothing and I was freezing my butt off! So I just putz around at about 10-15'. Saw some bass, perch, and a branch. Nothing exciting at all, but diving in a lake that few to none have dove before was kind of neat.

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