Well did the B-29 dive on Lake Mead, it was a cacophony of errors.
Gearing up, I realize that I forgot my wool sock that I use under my undergarments. Not a huge deal I can go without it. Also my long hose tank had a slow leak somewhere. Nothing major but I couldn't quite get it licked.
Dive 1: I get in the water, after struggling for way to long, I got my tanks on. And we descend, I noticed that I was a little wet, but felt that was probably sweat from the 100+ surface temps. I get to the mooring block and start to move along the traverse line to the tail and realize, it wasn't sweat. I had a leak, and not a minor one. I was getting cold as the bottom temp was in the low 60s. I signal the guide and tell him I am ascending. He ask why and I signal cold.
I start moving my way up the mooring chain, and I noticed that it was hard for me to dump air from my wing. Get back on the boat and hang up my top layer shirt to dry.
Between dive 1 and dive 2. I decided to take a closer look at my valve and reg to try to figure out what was wrong. Joel intially thinks it was the burst disc and asked what I filled them to. I told the truth over 4,200psi when I checked at my car this morning. He didn't like that at all. Said that I brought bombs on his boat. I listened politely. Eventually we got it narrowed down to the DIN o-ring, probably from the excess pressure. I didn't want to disassembly my reg on the boat, so I just figured I would deal with it.
They also told me that I forgot to connect my wing retainer, which explains why it was difficult to dump gas from my wing.
Dive 2: Joel said I should go with him and Michael Menduno (who I had no idea who he was before this TBH). This time they helped me ensure that my neck seal was perfect (the likely cause of the leak). Gearing up with a little less of a struggle but wasn't easy. This time I thought I had everything set right. I descend down the line puffing my drysuit and my wing to slow my descent. But for some reason the squeeze never really went away, I figured maybe I was descending too fast, but didn't think much of it until I got to the bottom. And the squeeze wouldn't go away and I was cold. I realized that I didn't hear the suit gas, and that my drysuit hose was disconnected. I was at 90 feet. I got it hooked up, and realized the squeeze. Took a second to regain my buoyancy and joined the tour.
The rest of the dive was ok, I got a little low, and silting this up, probably from dragging my prosthetic. The dive site itself was pretty cool, $450 cool? I don't know. I'm not sure I would do it again. The ascent was fairly normal with my major issues until I got to the boat, and while peeing I realized that my condom cath had popped off and I was peeing into my under garments. Hurrah!
No video because I didn't feel comfortable enough to bring the camera.