Yes I learned about those flotation blocks a wee bit too late for my last camera!:doh: It actually wasn't so negative until I added the second strobe - and I was in such a rush to pack and get down to Cozumel after I bought it that I just didn't address the flotation issue. Lessons learned...lessons learned...lessons learned (that's become a mantra with me anytime I think about my lost camera). This next one is probably going to look similar to Kevin Lee's, in terms of its relationship with flotation blocks! Not to mention the rider I'm going to add to my homeowner's policy...
The rain sucks. I was actually thinking about going out on Mr. C tomorrow, until I heard that it was going to rain. And it's pourin' like a mutha right now, and windy as all get-out. Which means everything's gonna be all churned up in the sea. We may postpone our Peace trip scheduled for next week...damn, just when I was getting all excited about getting wet again! Well, timing has never been my strong suit.
Anyway, thanks for all the welcome-backs! And now I'm going to go haunt the UW Photography forum so I can maybe pick up some knowledge and learn to actually USE this new rig of mine.