Yeah now back to the books beating brains without experience
Lets say of 100+ regs I own 1/4 have been in the vice, 10 times
So of the 250 times my rubber wrapped regs have been firmly
clamped in the vice with the din or yoke, only to stop the spin
none have been marred or thread bent crushed or messed up
before this thread was 5 mins old, I would have this reg, apart
Our vices also gives youse a far firmer base from which to work
with your two C spanners which you must file smoother to also
combat, the quite unnacceptable issue, of marring our darlings
This pissy little stick you screw into a port gives no purchase at
all and if you must use one it must be steel to keep reg threads
from distorting when the skinny stick bends from undue forces
I sometimes tape some thin strip of rubber to these C spanners
but I do like the vice and a lever on the yoke or din for opening
Have you ever thought of using a tank valve, as a tool, thinking
thinking, yeah grab hold of a valve and tap tap yourselves away
With stubborn or ancient regs, my penetrating oil is Phosphoric
for obviously corroded, locked regulators, It just works and fast
and, with the
rhwestfall beautiful, universal captive pin spanner
Once again, you must file sand and polish the ends of the pins
I have now soothed, so now it is time, to put down your books
and practice it all in the way you like and the way they like and
hopefully come closer towards enlightenment with many more tools in your head
Excuse me, Mr tinkerer in brass, you must remember the brass
skinny stick V the steel skinny stick discussions two soft metals
working against each other, make much reg heartbreak, for all
So if you could kindly do a class on not marring regs it would be mostest valuable
Thank you
Excuse me, there is more, but I am here, so it is here I shall be
Anything else is BS