Sorry but that type of action shouldn't happen mainly because it's so easily avoidable. Just hop over the side or hang on the ladder like virtually everyone else does in that situation. If it's the boat driver/captain where he's not dressed to hop in, he has ample opportunity to take care of his business while the rest are diving. Then it's a non-issue. It's the call of nature.

For a DM to relieve himself over the side (even if you don't see his wiener) is lazy, base, shows a lack of decorum, and a fundamental lack of understanding of customer service where you should at least have some care concerning the feelings of your customers even if you don't share those concerns. If I was the owner I would see it as a lack of respect for my operation. We aren't monkeys that just fell out of trees. A rec dive boat in a resort locale is NOT a guys locker room. All IMHO. And no I didn't post the TA review.