Sorry to be coming to this thread late.
I'm in the hunt for warm and flexible drysuit underwear. In my next life, I'll pursue something easier to find like the holy grail. I dive the DUI crushed neoprene drysuit. For my undergarments, I wear a cheap, Under Armour knock-off t shirt and a sleveless sweatshirt over the t shirt. With this arrangement, I can easily reach both posts and my isolator. Unfortunately, I also get cold, especially on longer dives (and this is in 72 degree caves - I am clueless and in awe of how you tolerate really cold water!). When I shift to standard dive underwear (e.g., an Andy's thinsilate jumpsuit), the material feels like it bunches at my shoulders and I struggle to reach my posts. I'd wonder if my issues with reach were technique, except that I can so easily reach with my lighter weight stuff. I looked at the Fourth Element gear at the NESS website and it looks promising. So .... for those of you familiar with the 4th Element gear, is it stretchy, non-restricting and non-bunching? I almost feel like warm enough and flexible enough are mutually exclusive. Or do you recommend something else to achieve my reach/warmth ideal? Thanks so much for your help!