Hiding behind your screen name

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First and foremost; Spectre is a nickname [well, originally my CB handle 15 years ago]. I answer to it just as readily as my name. Secondly, who I am is not all that difficult to figure out; you just have to know a little about me to figure that out. Why should I give up my name to those not willing to know -me-, I don't quite get it. Another thing is historical. With the right pieces of information [like where I went to school] you can have a lot more luck searching the web for me then with my real name; as I've used Spectre as a handle for the last 13 or so years that I've been posting on newsgroups, mailing lists, and web forums.

As far as a picture? My collage went byebye when the software was updated here. The new picture limits don't allow the size of the old collage; and I've not taken the time to update it.

All and all, a name is an identifying mark. What's the difference if I'm identified by my real name or by my handle? I mean, if you had different handles for different sites; that's one thing... Hell, if I legally change my name to Spectre, would that make you happy? ;)

I know from one female diver on the board that some other female users have been harassed, so they choose names that don't reflect their gender.

I guess we'd like to think that everyone on the board is "normal" but odds are there are more than a few creepoids.

Colin we are not all computer suave but it do's not mean that we can throw all caution to the wind. We do what we can to protect our selfs from the unsavory characters of this world. How about you tell us how to do IP masking, closed ports etc. I for one would love to know. I would even buy you a drink or two.

There are some pretty neat devices you can get to handle the ip masking and can harden your cable/dsl internet connections. Look no further then your local CompUSA for cable/dsl router-firewalls. Also, security programs (anti-virus, host based firewalls, intrusion detection applications) work well in tandem with hardware based firewalls.

They are a few things that can help protect your identity as you surf the wild wild web. Also, just understanding the type of information you give out on the internet and to whom. That is first and foremost the most effective tool to protect your identity.

While I'm not the overly cautious guy, I still think that it's way too easy to create mischief on the 'net. One of the ways would be by using someone's name ilegally. I've been in and out of the internet hype since '95 and seen too many examples of that.

That's why I use an alias for everyday use on the internet. If it's personal, I'll use my first name.


Even real names don't mean much these days.
If I search in Google for my full name I get 3.750.000 hits.
There are just too many of me around.. :11:

I just found out that that I'm unique: Google shows 16 hits for my name and all are about me. :bang:

Now, that still leaves too much information on me out there, easily picked up. But since most of it was given voluntarily, I can't really complain.

There's even an old website I put up ages ago. I still want to run and hide everytime I see it. :sprint:
Remember: the net doesn't forget!
Thanks Kim & Paul I will look into it. Seems I owe a few drinks.
Paul understand binary.........I understand i'm in a bind when I get to the check out and find I have forgoten my wallet. I can just turn this dam machine on and off, I'm what you might call an apliance operator and thats it. I know my place its smarter than me, it tells me what to do and I do it, I tell it what to do and it do's whatever it wants.
Thanks Kim & Paul I will look into it. Seems I owe a few drinks.
Paul understand binary.........I understand i'm in a bind when I get to the check out and find I have forgoten my wallet. I can just turn this dam machine on and off, I'm what you might call an apliance operator and thats it. I know my place its smarter than me, it tells me what to do and I do it, I tell it what to do and it do's whatever it wants.

I always tell myself, my computer is a tool and a form of entertainment. Properly take care of that tool and it will take care of you. So back to surfing porn :crafty:

Curt Bowen:
Why is it that many of the members here on the Scuba Board do not put their real name in their profile?
Fear... fear of the great evil INTERNET.
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean the b*stards aren't out to get you."
Rick (well, my real name is Grover, but everyone calls me Rick, or Uncle Ricky.. except my granddaughter, who calls me Big Daddy, and my old Navy buddies, who call me other things... :) )
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who do not. -- Anonymous
There really are only two kinds of people... there are people who divide people into two kinds of people, and people who do not.
Rick :)
First, my last name will not fit across the space given. Second, my last name is unique to this country and very limited in Europe. If you run into someone with my last name in the US, they are related. Do a Google search on it, and you'd know why I don't post it.

My friends know it. Become my friend, and I'll tell you someday. :)

Ah heck, your all my friends.

It's Eric S.

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