First and foremost; Spectre is a nickname [well, originally my CB handle 15 years ago]. I answer to it just as readily as my name. Secondly, who I am is not all that difficult to figure out; you just have to know a little about me to figure that out. Why should I give up my name to those not willing to know -me-, I don't quite get it. Another thing is historical. With the right pieces of information [like where I went to school] you can have a lot more luck searching the web for me then with my real name; as I've used Spectre as a handle for the last 13 or so years that I've been posting on newsgroups, mailing lists, and web forums.
As far as a picture? My collage went byebye when the software was updated here. The new picture limits don't allow the size of the old collage; and I've not taken the time to update it.
All and all, a name is an identifying mark. What's the difference if I'm identified by my real name or by my handle? I mean, if you had different handles for different sites; that's one thing... Hell, if I legally change my name to Spectre, would that make you happy?
As far as a picture? My collage went byebye when the software was updated here. The new picture limits don't allow the size of the old collage; and I've not taken the time to update it.
All and all, a name is an identifying mark. What's the difference if I'm identified by my real name or by my handle? I mean, if you had different handles for different sites; that's one thing... Hell, if I legally change my name to Spectre, would that make you happy?