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Hi I`m in the process of learning padi open water, i`m trying to get my head around the dive tables, cracked it once, but last week was the first time i had been able to resume my course (as my job includes lots of weekends) so needless to say hadnt made it for about 10 weeks. Boy I had missed it but it was almost like I had never almost finished the course, it seemed that somethings were easier to remember than others , and Im still struggling with the full mask clearing, any one got any tips?
Hi Tanya and welcome to SB.
Glad to hear you're getting back to your certification.
One way to help with the mask clearing, is to close your eyes before flooding and taking the mask off. Then open your eyes. Anyway good luck with the training.
HI Tanya, and welcome to ScbaBoard...

I can imagine the challenge. The RDP is challenging to learn, and not using it for 10 weeks would leave any newbie challenged. All I can suggest is more and frequent practice.

David's suggestion on the mask clearing sounds good to me. Be sure to look over our New To Scuba forum for more help. :)
Hi Tanya and welcome to SB.
Glad to hear you're getting back to your certification.
One way to help with the mask clearing, is to close your eyes before flooding and taking the mask off. Then open your eyes. Anyway good luck with the training.
Hi thanks for words of advice, yes have tried that already, it didnt work i got as far as partially clearing it before managing to swallow the pool water even with regs in my mouth. Guess its going to be mind over matter, as for the other skills I`m getting there, have to get my head around the padi open water course then trying to remember the dive tables, once have figured them out i have to sit my test. The first part is ok its remembering the repetative dives and adding on each time to work out the total bottom time, guess I`ll figure it out.Thanks for ya welcome and kind words.tanya

Hope you enjoy SCUBA Board, I'm sure you will have an opportunity to learn and share. I have found people to be very helpful. If I can help you feel free to contact me.

All the best,

:sunny Hi tanya,

I would like to Welcome you to Scuba Board –One of the most informative and dedicated boards on the net. You can meet a lot of helpful people here and it’s an awesome place to get answers to your questions regarding scuba diving.

Take care and Safe Diving

-Matt- :diver:

Click here to greet a new member!
No experience needed and it feels great!
Welcome to the board.. I have noticed most new divers have a problem breathing in & out of their mouth without breathing in their nose. I did anyways.... Maybe practice breathing solely in and out of your mouth. Good Luck. I know you will get it.

Thanks for link to military divers, I haven`t had such a laugh in ages, I`m suppose to be getting ready for work, except still laughing at comment guy made about cooking something for his latest lady!!!

Bye for now

El Orans:
can't really help you with mask clearing other than: try to relax. It will work out with practice.

You may also want to take a look here: Military Divers.


BTW, Welcome (Scub)aBoard!
One thing that helped me with my tables was a program called TableTutor available at http://home.flash.net/~table/table/ plus Larry at Scubatoys.com (member scubatoys) has offered the unlock code free to scubaboard members (just send him a PM) of course I'm sure if you like it he'd also let you buy it from him instead ;)

Best wishes on completing your OW course!

Aloha, Tim
Hi I`m in the process of learning padi open water, i`m trying to get my head around the dive tables, cracked it once, but last week was the first time i had been able to resume my course (as my job includes lots of weekends) so needless to say hadnt made it for about 10 weeks. Boy I had missed it but it was almost like I had never almost finished the course, it seemed that somethings were easier to remember than others , and Im still struggling with the full mask clearing, any one got any tips?
Mask clearing problems seem to be common amongst neewbies. You'll have to get it down, in order to get your certification. You also will likely need to do this without stress UW, masks get kicked off UW and sometimes leak, need to be defogged UW.

For me that was the easiest part, but I got started when you were underage ;)

Search the forum, see what worked for others (seems to be more common a problem for gals than guys).


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