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Bowling Green,Ky
Newbie here, I will be taking my check out dives in a little more than a week.Have lots of ???'s. Anyone wanting to share info on : Gear, technique or just past experiences , I would like to hear from you.
Hi Silverfish,

Welcome to Scuba Board. Feel free to ask away. That's what we are here for, so kick back, put your feet up, grab a keyboard and ask away.


H O W D Y ! ! ! from Texas, Silverfish!

We are glad to have you. Answering questions and providing you with solid information about all aspects of diving, including gear and techniques, is what we are all about. Heck, I still think of good ones now and then to post!

Submit your questions in the correct forums, and our wonderful and helpful gang will be glad to provide you with all the information you can stand!

Why don't you tell us more about yourself? Where you're from, what you do, where do you want to go with your diving, etc.

Again, good to have you here as part of the ScubaSource family!

(and LD, I've got my good beer at my elbow as well!)

(hmmm...wonder if Shiner Bock will travel through UPS okay)
thanks for the quick welcome. I have been "fishing" around on the net looking for a chat room on scuba for some time now.Looks like I have found what I was looking for.
I am new to this , in fact I have only had my pool dive.Checkout dives are weekend after next at a quarry here in Ky. By the way Tx I am a native Texan and keep kin down there for visiting. they are in Wichita Falls and I am in Bowling Green Ky. Would like to learn more about you and Ladydiver.
I'm in Denton, and we have two members who are Decatur, and many of the rest of the Swamp Dive Team is scattered throughout Dallas. So we aren't that far from W-falls.

Oh, and btw, if you did well in the pool, your check out dives are just as easy, just in a different place. So relax and have fun!

And here's a secret: all of what you are doing get's easier the more you dive. So dive every chance you get, try out new things, and enjoy the underwater world!
Welcome to ScubaBoard Silverfish...I'd have to agree and say you have definitely found the place you were looking for.

I'm sure everyone will help in answering all your questions so fire away!
Welcome Silverfish....

Get ready for a revalation....

The best tip you will ever get...

The diving tip to end all diving tips...

The grand-daddy of all diving tips...

Here it comes...

Ready or not...

Close your eyes....

Wait....you cannot read with your eyes closed...


You have drug it out of me...

Dive Tip of The Century: DIVE & DIVE OFTEN!

Yep that's the best tip, one we all hope to live by!

Where are you in Kentucky. And when will you be at Falling Rock. I am in Lexington and I Welcome you to the board. Ask any question you have the locals on the board are very knowledgable (maybe a little strange but that makes it fun).


PS I guess I should have read the post more carefull. Welcome to all Bowling Greeners and which quarry are you going to should have been the questions.

I'll keep this simple. 1) welcome aboard, 2)ask and you shall receive answers!

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