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GDI Diver
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Zephyrhills Fl.
# of dives
500 - 999
No dive today for me
Now I know why I took up cave diving.
Don't matter how much wind, rain, sun, clouds, or anything. you can always get wet.
It's always a night dive.
Drove all the way to Hollywood yesterday. almost got into 2 accidents on the way, The wind was kicking up, Got to my brothers house on the beach and the wind got worse. So at least I got to see my brother and walk the board walk again.
this morning at 6 am when I went out on his balconey the wind about knocked me down. He lives on the 15 th floor. Anyway the water was rough figured no diving today. May as well head back to Zephyrhills.
Getting to the end of allirgator alley the truck makes a funny noise. I get off the exit at Naples and there's water running out from under the truck. Pop the hood and look to see if I lost a hose. Not that lucky, the fan blades broke off and went through the radiator.
Lucky me!!! I call a tow truck and it's $450 to tow me back to Tampa. All in all this will cost me around $1000 for a day of no diving.
People say that life is good, it don't seem good to me.
I'm lost without a paddle, heading up sh*ts creek.
People say that life is fun , But I don't know why.
The only place I dove today was in my wallet.
But there's always tomorrow :wink:
Too bad gear insurance doesn't cover damage to vehicles. I think it should, after all, could we get to the dive site without them???

Hope it doesn't cost you too much. :bounce:

ow... sorry to hear that...

have a beer on me... better yet, i'll have a beer on you

(sometimes you get the beer, sometimes the beer gets you)

Ditto on the would take something stronger than beer to make me feel better.
There alway Venice next weekend.
Hope it's fixed by then.
We had something similiar to that happen to us about a month ago. We were heading back from Diver's Direct in Orlando when the truck started sputtering. It sounded like we started missing on all 6 cylinders. We had a boat trip to go on the next day in West Palm. We limped back to town and to the shop. We put it in the shop on Friday and had to rent a car. That cost us over $145. Meanwhile our truck had to have $480 worth of work done on it to get fixed. I feel your pain Fred.
So when do we go caving again Fred? By the way I did appreciate you advanced weather conditions call. You know I feel for you buddy. Of course I did go diving even if it was Lake Denton.
Hey Fred! Sorry to hear about your vehicle. I feel your pain. I have to plonk down some serious $$ for a new compressor (can't live without AC in the vehicle over the summer) - and that is on top of the scubapro reg that I am getting ready to purchase (looking forward to getting that, though...) - sigh, there went my tax check...

So WHEN ARE we going cave diving???

I am jonesing to get back into Devils. Although I had a great time this weekend at our local astrofest attending workshops and observing until the wee hours I have to say I missed the diving.

Any chance you guys can make it to Ginnie this weekend? I am wide open either Saturday or Sunday?
Sorry, just can't resist. Had to take the old beater up a sandhill & pull out 2 of the local good ole' boys on the way back from Alexander Springs this afternoon. On the downside, it is starting to sound like one of the well-used used tires on the POS is gettiing bad.
Sorry to hear bout that Fred.
Sometimes it nice to just vent.
Hey P2 how about we shoot for the second weekend in April.
To do Ginnie.
I can't go next weekend cause I'm doing the Venice thing.
I got to get my daughter back in the water. Your welcome to come and bring your son just a fun simple dive. My whole family will be there as well as others from the board.
The following weekend I'm heading to New England to do some gambling at Foxwood so that weekend is out too.
let me know about the 2nd weekend. Maybe we can some other to come too.

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