You can enjoy your diving with a jacket BC, and you can be a good and safe diver with one....I believe if you tried a backplate and wing a few times, you would hate the jacket bc..but I am not going to tell a recreational diver they have to instantly dump their brand new jacket bc, in order to begin experiencing DIR ideas.....There are many DIR changes and ideas you can try, without ditching your jacket.....if you have plenty of cash, and it is no hardship, then move to the BP and wing...if it is a big deal, then try as many of the other DIR ideas as you can now...who knows, you may even run into a good condition used bp and wing for sale at a great price, once you start diving with DIR divers
Hey Dan, yea, money is an issue, aint it for everyone? lol... I dont have a brand new bc anyhow tho, bought one used for a good price, so when I do move up, I may just get that bp/w or at least try it. My LDS is pretty good about that stuff, I can try anything I want befor I buy it. Thanks for the input to, I appreciate it.