Hope this isn't a dumb question. I ask this as I fully agree that carrying redundant gas (doubles) is a very good thing. If one does dive doubles wet (5-7mm suit) what logical choice or upper limit should one look at for full negative buoyancy on the tanks? Twin AL Luxfer 100's compared to Steel PST 100's cut 10lbs. Is this relevant? (I can easily see where going with
big steel is very detrimental, 104's put you at almost 3 times the AL 100's at 30 lbs.) I got the impression from the video and earlier statements that the biggest problem is putting oversize steel tanks on divers when wet, not that diving wet per-se was bad.
Or is the only DIR accepted solution to dive dry?
P.S.- I am amazed at the difference in tank bouyancy even between similar capacities in the referenced link, gives one pause to think about proper selection.