Have any fellow female divers here been treated in a patronizing way by men in their dive group? My husband and I dive as a part of larger groups these days, and I am often the only woman there. Although we are both fairly experienced and watch out for each other when we're out, I've had random men in the group approach me to check that my gear is assembled properly, offer helpful tips for beginners, and generally treat me like an idiot. On one occasion, someone came up to me and tested my reg and bc inflator while I was wearing my gear without even asking me -- like some dive masters do with inexperienced tourists at resorts. I know that they're probably trying to be helpful, but I'm getting annoyed. Leaving the group isn't a great option. My husband likes diving with these guys, and it makes me feel better having more people around while we are out. Any tips on how to deal with this situation without alienating people?