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Houston, TX
Anyone know how to get a reg unstuck from a tank?

Not sure how he did it... overtightened before turning tank on maybe.... but my dad somehow managed to get it stuck.

Simple K style...

Any thought on how to get it unstuck and off the tank?
Are you sure you have that tank all the way off and have purged all the air out?
I'm no expert but thought that come to mind include:

- Double check that it is purged.
- Get the temperature down. Put the tank in the shade/water. maybe use some ice? You could turn the tank on and hold the purge button. This will expand the gas in the tank and cool it off.
- Putting a towel over the yoke screw may give you a better grip.
- You could try pliers on yoke screw.

If it makes you feel any better, I almost got my reg locked on the tank this weekend as well.
There may still be too much pressure even at 200 psi for cooling or draining the tank to be of help.

I'm thinking you could use a towel over the yoke knob to protect it, then a plumber's wrench with a long handle and optional cheater pipe would give you enough leverage.
If you can move the yoke and bolt together then just rock them back and forth and it'll work itself lose.
Thanks all! I sort of used a combination of all..... Iced it down with bag of frozen veggies, rocked it back and forth, rapidly purged 400 psi through both primary and octo... and used a mini crowbar for little extra leverage...

And it FINALLY came off.

I had been so worried about having to find out what that whole $450 "damage deposit" bit was for when I rented my dad's equip.... :wink:
A $450 damage deposit? I've never heard of that one, at least no around here. Where'd you rent his stuff?

Be sure to replace that valve o-ring. At that rate, they're liable to charge you the price of a new tank for damages!
Thankfully there is no damage. Will be sure to tell him I had problem when I return though.
Got stuff from Universal Scuba. I have generally been happy with the shop. However, he also gave me a "discount" on the gear and didn't charge for BC rental because he said that a "tiny" leak had been reported on the bc, but that it should cause no problems....
Now I admit our dive skills aren't "professional" grade -- but diving isn't exactly a difficult task either. And maybe dad didn't have enough weights on or just had bad day, but he could not maintain anything near neutral buoyancy. I learned my lesson for sure -- next time I'll definatley ask for a different BC.
And the other lesson, grasshopper...

Only finger tight on that yoke-knob.

(and regarding accepting a rental BC with hole in it. Strongly suggest that next time you turn that offer down flat. **IF** something had happened to you and it was determined by investigators that the BC was the contributing big factor, the shop could have valid defense saying you knew about it and accepted it anyway.

If your suspicious of rental gear, you're within reason to request looking at the maintenance records on that bit of kit.)
Universal Scuba explains a whole lot! They have their own pocketbook in mind first, customer safety last. We'll have a chat the next time I see you and I'll tell you about Universal. Please don't do that again. :rolleyes:

You need to come up Westeimer, towards Beltway 8 a couple miles and go to R&D Scuba. Great folks, super prices and they would NEVER have allowed you out of their store with a defective piece of gear!

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