Help with a video camera

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SeaJay once bubbled...
I do want to get into editing and all. I would like most of all to be able to create .mpg files with my camera.

I would most be interested in something that was inexpensive (not because of the price but because of the risk... I don't want to have much liability) and would do a fine job creating video for the internet.

I figured that any old camera would do, but I really like the idea of the digitals... Anyone have any suggestions for a fully digital (i.e.: Smartcard-style, fully digital media) camera and housing assembly?

I'm interested in being able to get 20-30 mins of video every time I go out...

Thanks again for all the help. Maybe I should steer clear of the VHS stuff.

Barracuda, what's a TR-8, and would you be willing to sell me that housing that's just sitting around? If I can get another camera for it for around $100, that could start me off with video...

I have just the deal for you. Look at your PM

SeaJay once bubbled...
since these movie files are going to be sized for the 'net, I'll need a relatively low quality file anyway. Check my site for examples... These are perfect, and exactly what I'm looking to duplicate.

I only checked out one of your vids... but low quality is not the right term... BEAUTIFUL COMPRESSION.

I know guys with 10K in equipment that don't produce stuff that nice....

Anyhow... I really do think you'd be better off buying a "used" complete setup... on the Ocean Images site there is a combo package for a good deal..

worth checking out... keep your eyes on ebay as well..

Good Luck :D
That's really flattering, bud, but I can't claim those as my own.

They're my buddy's... Depending on which vids you're talking about, they're the local DNR guys' vids or Michael Barnett's vids from the Florida Keys.

There are others there, too... I've linked to the FifthD website, and have some of those on there...

Sorry, man, if I'm misleading... But I didn't shoot any of those. Those are my buddy's, even if they did let me put them on the site.

I think the files you're talking about are the .wmv files. Yes, they're done very nicely...

Can you point me to the Ocean Images site?
I was gonna say you've got the knack for it man. I've been shooting video for about 5 years and wish my stuff looked that good... I just recently started to get serious about it.

As I'm sure you are learning the camera itself can only do so much. Editing software, editing hardware, lights, accessories, and SKILL all make the difference.

Now back in the day... editing was a *****. Today with digital it's become MUCH easier (especially if you have a buddy that has some software that you could "try" out without dumping a grand)

I spent over a grand on just my capture card, just to give you an idea of what's out there. A Matrox which came with the Adobe Premiere software so it was actually a pretty good deal. It allows things like real time color correction and effects.

If you are SERIOUS about getting into underwater Video that's fun to watch and rather easy to learn... this setup is the best deal I've seen anywhere.

I would seriously consider this package. It's small, lightweight, rather good quality and VERY inexpensive. YOU WILL spend close to a grand to get a housing for that old camera you have.

I'd be more than happy to help you get up and running...

Check out the Canon Optura and Amphibico housing as a great starter set. It's a single chip Mini DV camera and the housing has direct access to the LCD screen, an underwater mike and is small. MY setup is 6lbs, about .5lbs negative in the water. I've got over 300 dives on that unit (no floods yet). Remember it's not if you will flood, but when. My insurance flood insurance is about 60/year.

With the firewire port it dumps into the computer fast and high quality. You can pick up the housing + camera for 1495 new at either or

You might look at Pinacle Studio 8 for video editing software as well...

I think it's about 100-150 for the software package.
I'm not sure as I got a free version with my vdeo card (9700 pro All-in-Wonder 128Mb) and then it was $50 to upgrade to the full version (to download a patch file from Pinacle).

I edited my sisters wedding video using it and she loved the end results.

She went to Bonair and got married on the beach and a diver she met down there filmed and edited the wedding for her.

He got good video but she didn't like the music he chose and wanted to edit out some of the boring stuff. The diver was nice enough to send a second tape edited exactly like the first but with no music added so I captured that VHS tape in it's entirety (22 mins) and edited it down to 14.5 mins. and dropped in music she chose. You can pull direcly from CDs for music tracks and you can even play mp3s into the soundtrack once you figure out how (slightly tricky to do this though).

I burned the result with added titles and menues, etc to a DVD and then pumped out 15 more copies so she could give them away to friends.

At the reception we had a few weeks ago, everyone loved the video and those who had seen the original were amazed at the difference.

I had several people ask me what software I used and how long I had ben editing... This was the first ever edit job ever for me so It HAS to be prety easy software...

My other sister works for a photo studio where they do weding videos and SHE thought the results were great as well.

The guy who edits there was going to do it for free but the 1st sister waited too long to get it too him and he just couldn't squeze in the time to do it during the busy wedding season (spring/summer)

There's sure to be much better software out there, but for the price, Studio 8 is hard to beat in my book.
I suggest ebay or use it as a boat anchor. Really to house that beast for the money and time involved you will not be happy with the results. Sometimes with things like this you just have to say good bye and let go.

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