The rigs are awesome, be they off TX or AL. They also require a few not normally used skills.
1. Buoyancy and depth control and awareness, without using a depth gage. You'll be too busy with other things to deal with that. Off LA the bottom is often unreachable so you have to just KNOW when you are decending or ascending or you can get into serous trouble without realizing it. "Bottomless" dives are not for overweighted beginners. When you can reliably hover motionless with your eyes closed in midwater without a depth change you have this one knocked.
2 Piloting navigation skills. Compasses point to the nearest leg on a rig. Also there can be several different currents at different levels, all going different directions. Navigation by trusting currents is unreliable. OTOH you can often navigate around the rig without swimming by adjusting your depth to the where the current is "going your way".
3. Critter identification: On the rigs you are DEFINITELY back in the food chain. Your finned companions come in three clases.
- Pretty: Macro and midsize critters that are fun to watch.
- Lunch: Large midlevel predators suitable for dinner. (Generally dinner for 10!)
- WATCH HIM!!!: Large top level predators that can consider YOU lunch. The man in the gray suit is only one of the cast members. Cubera snapper and jewfish over about 500 pounds share this class, as do large warsaw grouper and cuda over about 10'.