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Gives a whole new meaning to the no gloves rule!~

instead of makin jokes does anybody have any tips or know any websites i can go to to findo ut how to naked dive
As far as I know, it's the same as diving not-naked. Am I missing something?
I know this is really old, but "naked" diving as I know it, means to dive with a tank... and well thats it. no reg, no BC, no wetsuit, or other crap that you don't "really" need.
Its actually really easy, but as I really don't consider it safe I am not going to talk about anything beyond that.
As far as I know, it's the same as diving not-naked. Am I missing something?

Maybe hydroid rash on your butt? :wink:
what are you doing in here? :D
what are you doing in here? :D

I don't know. It popped up on my User CP. What are YOU doing here?
Well, my 100th dive was on a zebra-mussel-encrusted wreck in Lake Michigan at 75 feet, water temp in the low 40s at depth. No way would I do that dive in anything less than a dry suit! My birthday suit just doesn't have enough insulation (not to mention no knee pads, etc.)!

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