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For my nude cruise Feb 3 till 13, I'm already paid up for my 3-tank nude dive off Bonaire and am soon to make payment for my nude dives off Curacao. You non-nudists can joke about it all you want, but not having to pee in a wet suit is one of the benefits...or just sitting naked on the edge of the boat to pee after a dive. ...or standing naked on the front deck of the boat while charging into the waves and wind while going or returning from the dive sites. You haven't lived till you've tried that...or riding the spinacker high in the sky...naked. :D
My cabin mate, for the Maasdam cruise, Elena, is a "Buff Diver". The Buff Divers' website isn't opening at the moment. I've emailed her to find out what's happened to it, or to the organization. I dove naked off Cancun. It was a drift dive with a strong current along the coast, but we saw schools of baracuda, stingrays and of course, sea turtles. The freedom and feeling of diving naked is to be experienced. :D
I've gone nude diving several times off the FL Keys! The easiest way is to charter a boat with fellow divers who are at least nude tolerant! Summer is best and easy dives without alot of current are best. Anyway, I've been and have the pics to prove it!:D
once was enough for me thank u very much. jelly fish tenticles really do sting.:11: not too mention the cleaner wrass in asia like a nibble...
These guys are for real :crafty:
For my nude cruise Feb 3 till 13, I'm already paid up for my 3-tank nude dive off Bonaire and am soon to make payment for my nude dives off Curacao. You non-nudists can joke about it all you want, but not having to pee in a wet suit is one of the benefits...or just sitting naked on the edge of the boat to pee after a dive. ...or standing naked on the front deck of the boat while charging into the waves and wind while going or returning from the dive sites. You haven't lived till you've tried that...or riding the spinacker high in the sky...naked. :D
I wanna see a nekked diver explode.
I wanna see a nekked diver explode.

Me too! Can you convince him to swallow that Spare Air? :D

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