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does anybody know any information on how to naked dive or know any good sites that can help?

Im sure it has been said. Go to a nude beach and leave the wetsuit and swim suit in the car/hotel.

Whats so hard? If you do it right then maybe your.........
When I was going through the PADI specialites I gave the "naturalist" diver speciality a really long w.t.f. look.

then I realized they meant natural as in nature, not as in nudist.

a couple of my instructors have told me that on your 100th dive, its tradition in canada to do it naked - they all had that "im really not kidding about this" looks about them.

Cold canadian water and naked. What's that they say everything looks bigger and closer underwater?

forget the cold, I would be concerned with the natural lure attracting grouper and moray.
i dove naked for my 100th dive, even though u cant see jelly fish there broken tenticles r everywhere ooooooooooooohhhhhh. they really do sting.:no think long and hard before doing it( no punn intended)
Sounds like a way to end the debate of peeing in your wetsuit. Or would that be jet propulsion?
Sounds like a way to end the debate of peeing in your wetsuit. Or would that be jet propulsion?


I guess that would depend on whether it was voluntary or "involuntary" cephlopoidic reaction.



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