as much as I love Anilao, our trip over Christmas is that same timeframe and we are taking our adult kids to Puerto Galera. Two reasons, we think that reef and color will be a little better, and PG has beaches (for my granddaughter to play on) where Anilao doesn't . That said, if you are going to be in Manila anyway, I would spend 2-3 days at PG and at least 1 at Anilao. For two weeks, you will be kicking yourself if you only have FOUR dive days... plan for FIVE minimum, 6 would be perfect (and I'd personally split it with 4 in PG and 2 in Anilao, that way you can hit places like Kirby's Rock, Cathedral, Twin Rocks, Mainit, and Sombrero, Sepok Wall if you like wall dives, that's six sites and there is also Daryl's Laut (sunken hotel wreck) and Caban Cove... all in your wheelhouse, and all with the type of stuff you're looking for...
I'm not as familiar with PGs sites, but that's the other reason I'm going there and will haul my kids over to Anilao for a day trip from there. The nice thing about this plan is that PG has the standard Philippine cost structure vs Anilao's strange pricing and escalated costs.
PG has current, no doubt, but any good operator with a good DM is going to guide you to the places that match your abilities. Beside, on PG and Anilao, the great thing about them is that the bancas (type of boat) generally drop you and then motor to the pick up point and wait, so you drift and enjoy the sites... but normally there is so much to see within 200m of the boat even anchored at most sites, no real reason to get caught in the current.
my 2bits, maybe we'll see you at Christmas