Budgets are funny things. Everyone has their own ideas about what is necessary and what is extra.
For this trip, I've reserved a plane ticket ($900) and a cabin on the Emperor Superior (€1050), and that's the most expensive itinerary. That's food, lodging and 21 dives over 7 nights. If I did that twice, that's roughly your 45 dives for roughly €3k. €1000 for 4 weeks of inexpensive food and lodging? Given what I'm seeing for prices in Egypt, that is probably quite doable -- especially if you went with one of the €700 liveaboard itineraries X 2. Then you get €55+ a day for that time!
The flight is a fixed cost whether you stay for 6 days or 6 weeks. Food and lodging adds cost, but in Egypt (and I'm sure, the Philippines) that is surprisingly low. It's the flight and diving that's expensive, so whether you do 45 dives in 2 weeks or 45 dives in 6 weeks doesn't change the cost dramatically.
I'm not interested in being away from my family for 6 weeks. 2 weeks is plenty. So the 6 week trip would no doubt be a better value, it doesn't fit with the rest of my life. And I'd like to see parts of Egypt *not* through a mask!

And given that the biggest costs of a trip are largely the same no matter how long you stay, it doesn't surprise me that my costs are not much lower than a trip three times as long.
But that also leaves a little room for extras: In my $4k budget, I'm paying €140 for a private single room. I now know that I don't have to worry about a roommate watching a movie when I want to sleep or in and out of the room all night -- or *I* can be the one to watch a movie without disturbing someone else!

I'm paying €50 for 15L doubles. And I still have budget for a side-trip to Luxor or something similar.
Again, budgets are funny things. Everyone else told me to double my budget!

I'm actually pretty pleased about the balance of time, money, destination and diving. C'mon October!