Help keep a newbie from getting reamed!

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Two, um... no, three, right three ! :spaninq:


Posted via Mobile DeviceThe third is that I am a Froody Dude who really knows where his towel is at.
Wow! This has turned into a great thread!

My intent when I started the thread was to simply try and avoid opening-up a new battlefront for any ongoing wars (I may be new to scuba and SB, but I'm not new to life or bulletin boards), I'd rather jump into an already existing one. The problem is that being a newbie to diving, means that my knowledge and subject range is limited, but my curiosity knows no bounds. A lot of the posts in this thread have mentioned topics in diving that I didn't even know existed.

Now, I don't believe I'm to special, or for that matter, afraid to get down and wallow in the mud, I just prefer to be confrontational in person and to not hide behind a keyboard. The same social graces that I would extend to someone face-to-face I extend online.

I think it's great the mods want to have a place for us newbies to ask, for lack of a better term, "newbie questions" without fear of being flamed. So far I haven't personally experienced the bashing, everyone's been pretty civil and friendly, but I've read a few of the topics that folks listed and some of those threads do get down right ugly and personal. You'd think it was an election campaign. Even as a newbie I've learned that SCUBA is an activity that can be unforgiving if things go wrong and not everyone may have had a good instructor, but they still have got that certification. So it seems it would be a good idea to answer some seemingly silly questions now before one us newbies ends-up your dive buddy.

NICENESS DOES NOT EQUAL WEAKNESS. would be a good idea to answer some seemingly silly questions now before one us newbies ends-up your dive buddy.....

This is probably the most effective threat I have seen used in a long time :rofl3:. Most people on this board want to help the "newbie" develop into a SAFE and seasoned diver. Some just have a funny way of showing it. Those that will flame a newbie for a post online (or for asking a seemingly silly question) are probably not the people that the newbie would want to dive with.....they would likely act the same way in person.....once a flamer, always a flamer (that kind of implies something else but is not intended that way). I am a diver so I know the dangers involved with the sport and the "difficulties" with diving with a new diver. I also know that without good dive buddies (new or experienced), an inexperienced diver will likely not achieve the experience required to become a good dive buddy. A dive buddy is there to help (if required) on land as well as beneath the surface.

Just my opinion.
There are only TWO ideas that we hold to be sacrosanct here on SB. Don't ever suggest that you should learn how to Scuba without an instructor or that you should venture into an overhead environment without the proper training.

Does that mean that possibly a third of the posts on these three threads should have been deleted? Were the above TWO sacrosanct ideas in effect when these posts were in play? That is what I mean about enforcing the TOS fairly and equally across the board. Arbitrary enforcement can easily have the appearance of bias, as in those who are "SB Supporters" might be seen as getting away with violations while non-supporters are moderated. that mean that possibly a third of the posts on these three threads should have been deleted?
I just read the bulk of the three posts, and don't see ANY evidence of what you are talking about. A question is asked about the pursuit of these activities and almost to a person they point to standards.

But please, if you think ANY of these cross that line, hit the
Bad Post button and let us know. However, if you are under some delusion that I am able to read EVERY post here on ScubaBoard, let me clue you in! I may own the domain name, but EVERYONE owns the community. As such, we need everyone to help to make this the FRIENDLIEST place that we can be.
Wow! This has turned into a great thread!
I am glad it has benefited you. It certainly was a great platform for us to use to announce our paradigm shift in these forums. ScubaBoard has grown simply because WE LISTEN. We intend to keep growing by our continued "situational awareness" to what our users are looking for. Currently, no one in the Scuba World can match our reach, our popularity or our content. Many try, but no one has succeeded yet. :D <= That's happy me!
I think it's great the mods want to have a place for us newbies to ask, for lack of a better term, "newbie questions" without fear of being flamed. //SNIP// Even as a newbie I've learned that SCUBA is an activity that can be unforgiving if things go wrong and not everyone may have had a good instructor, but they still have got that certification. So it seems it would be a good idea to answer some seemingly silly questions now before one us newbies ends-up your dive buddy.
In the back room (the Mod Squad Headquarters) we often discuss the best way of moderating to encourage niceness. I am sure that the Mods and Advisors get tired every now and then as I preach the concept of the "Power of Nice". If you haven't read the book, you should. It's a great synopsis of how I have tried to live my life for at least thirty years. It's probably why I am the current owner of ScubaBoard as well. Good guys can finish first!!! :D

Excellent point and on the converse, it's good to point out that rude and acerbic does not equal "smart".

Finally, I would like to re-affirm that our Mission Statement is meant for the ENTIRE forum. For those who have yet to commit it to memory (snicker) I will copy it here for your convenience:

Welcome to ScubaBoard: the world's largest community of scuba diving enthusiasts dedicated to sharing the wonders of our underwater world in a fun, safe and friendly environment. Our focus is to advance safety, knowledge and enjoyment within the diving community by encouraging the mutual exchange of experiences, ideas and opinions. We sincerely hope you enjoy and benefit from your extended surface interval with us.
on a personal note, i know a few members that have left because of the flaming they have witnessed or received. i think SB is a fantastic place to learn, ask, share, joke with and dive with so when i see nice people & good divers leave it saddens me as i have seen so much good from this community.

of course you are always going to get a tosser that drives you nuts but we have the ignore function so you can ignore posts from people that just gets your goat and just focus on getting more out of and putting into what you like about SB

i applaude NetDoc & :sblogo: vision of a friendlier board - it can only benefit all of us is my thoughts. afterall, how hard can it be to be nicer to eachother-surely it cant be that hard folks

From my personal experience, when I first found this place, by a general web search, I was impressed by the depth of knowledge on this board. I was so happy to find a home to share my experiences and learn from other experienced divers. I was happy to become a supporting member from day one, until I ran into to the dark side of the board. I admit I have been more than p'd off by some posts, I removed my supporting membership. Sadly, many divers whom I trusted their wisdom have moved on, I miss them. Hopefully the changes to SB will entice many to come back, heck, if I see a difference outside my local forum; I may reconsider and become a supporting member again. Looking forward to the SBoard of old.....
From my personal experience, when I first found this place, by a general web search, I was impressed by the depth of knowledge on this board. I was so happy to find a home to share my experiences and learn from other experienced divers. I was happy to become a supporting member from day one, until I ran into to the dark side of the board. I admit I have been more than p'd off by some posts, I removed my supporting membership. Sadly, many divers whom I trusted their wisdom have moved on, I miss them. Hopefully the changes to SB will entice many to come back, heck, if I see a difference outside my local forum; I may reconsider and become a supporting member again. Looking forward to the SBoard of old.....

Thank for the honesty, if that happens in the future ... give the MODS a chance to correct it...I think we can put down the club for only those rare times when it is needed and respect both sided of a point of view.

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