Help choosing dive op?

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Portland, ME
# of dives
100 - 199

Small group of AOW divers going in January. Any thoughts on what are the best dive ops? Deep drift dives are fine. From googl'ing, just going to use a OP with a hotel package. Want to be able to eat around, so I don't think we want to do any all inclusives.

I cheerlead for Tres Pelicanos, you will not be disappointed. Contact Jeanie: That being said there are a lot of top notch dive Op's on the island. If you review some of the other 'which OP' threads you will see the same names are frequently mentioned.

Which dive OP is 'best'?, off to the races we go!
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Give a throught to Villa Aldora and Aldora Divers. Just check Trip Advisor, nuff said.

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
@soldsoul4foos we have not had a "Best Dive Op" question in a while. Thanks for starting it again as you might get lot of replies. In town plenty of options to stay and 100s of dive ops. Everyone will have their favorite, you might want to give some details as to what are you looking for in a dive op. As lot of ops differ in what service// price point they provide. Also what price point for hotel you are looking at. I like gobroek am tres pelicanos fan and stay at casa mexicana because it's perfect for what we need. Others might be different...... Dave at aldora and Christie at bluextsea are very highly rated as well. If you are specific to your needs from dive op and price point for hotel you might get more specific answers.

A new best dive op question is sure to get lot of responses and strong opinions.. let the fun begin:swordfight::swordfight:
As I say, "You may as well start where you'll eventually end up". 2nd for Tres Pelicanos. Grab one of their Dive and Stay Packages in town and be done with it. Just check TripAdvisor. 'Nuf said.
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Many threads on this topic. Everyone has their favorites, may be difficult to go really wrong. I will side with Aldora Divers
There are several great ops. My hotel offered a wonderful free breakfast which I wanted to enjoy everyday. This made a few ops that leave before 7:30 undesirable. Also the price point varies greatly, depending on packages and extras. Location is also key. My hotel was walking distance to the op. They also washed, dried, and stored all my gear. Bottom line is decide what you are looking for, and do proper research
If you want to stay away from AI, then best to stay in or around town. Depending on you budget there are so many hotels in town to choose from, might look at expedia or orbitz to view them and get an idea of price and amenties. Next would be dive operations, again there are quite a few so you will need to know what you would like, pick up at pier downtown, a place with there own dock, price, etc. Other factors would be steel versus Al, large versus small boats, taking care of your gear, SI at beach clubs or not, and on and on.
Do your research here on SB and you will find something that will fit your needs.
Good luck with your search.
Sooo many choices. I have not been there before, so I'm not sure I know what my options even are. Fast boats I guess would be best, depending on distance to dive sites no? I don't care about having someone take care of my gear, but not having to lug it back to the hotel would be nice. Walking distance to bars and restaurants would be a plus too. As far as diving goes, depth and current aren't a deterrent.
120's of nitrox vs 80's of air?
If you are an experienced diver and can get on a boat with other experienced divers with all divers using nitrox, you will have a very different week of dives than you would on a boat with divers of mixed experience.
It is hard to find a bad dive op on coz. Some limit the dives by time, some let you dive your ndl and gas limits, some ascend as a group when the first diver is low on air, some have cookies and some do not.

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