Help - anyone familiar with LAX?

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Orange County, CA
I posted this on the CocoView chat as well, but thought that more people who know LAX might be found here, as it's not really a CCB specific problem.

Anyway,here's my problem. We are scheduled to go to CocoView on Saturday, July 16th - our flight out of the country from Los Angeles leaves at 2 am that morning. Given that we're flying from a busy airport on Taca, the plan is to arrive between 9 & 10 pm Friday night.

Now, my problem comes from the fact that July 16th is the release date of the new Harry Potter book - so it will be available in most book stores at midnight. How great would it be to be able to read a new HP book in paradise, during my week at CCV? I can picture it now - diving glorious, clear waters, and spending my SIs sitting in the hammock with Harry Potter. That's definitely heaven.

The problem is that I'm going to holed up at the airport when the book is released. Is anyone familair with the international terminal at LAX - will they have a bookstore/duty free that will be open at midnight? Will they get the HP book in that night? What are the chances I'll be able to get it to bring with me on vacation? If I don't get it before I leave, I'm going to have to wait an entire week before I can get my hands on it - talk about torture!!! I've never had to wait that long for a new HP book!

So, does anyone have any ideas for how I can procure my book? I know that finding someone who's coming later in the week, and talking them into bringing it with them is an option, but it's a big book, and I don't want to inconvenience anyone if I can find it in the airport. Anyone know the are to know where I can get one?
See . Buried in there somewhere is a tenant directory that should list vendors at each terminal. I've had to look up something there before, and I believe it has phone numbers listed.
Thanks for the suggestion - that seems to have worked! I called the bookstore that will be in the same terminal as our flight. The woman I spoke to said that they will be open until 11:30 that evening, but unable to sell the books until midnight. However, she did promise me that they will be in stock, so she took my name down and said that one would be put aside for me. I'll get in touch with them when I get to the airport that evening, and she said that whoever is on the closing crew will stick around to midnight to give me the book. That's about the best I could hope for, so assuming she knew what she was talking about, it seems like it will all work out. Whew - what a relief! :-)
Thanks for the tip!
<snipped> The woman I spoke to said that they will be open until 11:30 that evening, but unable to sell the books until midnight. However, she did promise me that they will be in stock, so she took my name down and said that one would be put aside for me. [...] and she said that whoever is on the closing crew will stick around to midnight to give me the book.
Now THAT is great service. Tip that person well!! And... have a great trip. ;)

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