Hello from new zen diver

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Scuba Instructor
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Japan - Kyushu - Kagoshima Prefecture, especially
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Hi everyone,:D

Just a short note to say hello. I'm based in Tanegashima [famous for being Japan's space program :alien_2: launch centre as well as where guns first made their appearance in Japan], Kagoshima Prefecture, in the south of Kyushu.

I have my own consulting business, but I also instruct student divers and guide certified divers.

I've enjoyed reading your posts, as well as the general posts on Scubaboard - maybe I'll work up the gumption to make some of my own.


Welcome to SB. I'm pretty new to SB myself (and diving as well - big noob here)

I've been here for about 6-7 years and I've never been to Kyushu - thats nuts.... I need to change that eventually.

Cheers, yoroshiku
Hello jonathan,

Welcome to our forum. Hope you post information regarding the Island and near good dive sites.
Welcome welcome! Enjoy the Zen board and be sure to take part in any discussions you like. We're a friendly bunch here (generally) and don't bite too much!

If you ever come to Okinawa to dive then let me know and I'll try and give you some advice on where is best:)
Hi Welcome to the baord and Zen Divers forum...

Our little niche in the Zen Divers forum was really bustling with posts when it debuted just over 2 years ago. People moving away and getting busy made it pretty quiet last year. In the last several months, it's refreshing to see the Japan forum becoming reinvigorated with both new and old faces.
Welcome to SB. This is a great place for info, networking, and great dive talk. There have been many members who have gave me tons of advice and help. SB rocks!
Thanks for all the welcome messages!
I just remembered I'd joined this list and moments ago made my first posting in over a year.
Hope everyone has had some great dives this season, and if you want any info about spots around and between southern Kyushu to Okinawa, please let me know anytime.

I would like to echo everyones welcome to SB and I would like to also invite you to come and dive Okinawa like Soldave. If you would like any advice on diving Okinawa I would love to help or find some to help you. Please reference my posts to American owned dive shops on Okinawa. I am sure scuba board and Zen Divers will answer any questions you might have on diving, or diving in Japan.
Hello, I cannot really say welcome to the forum because you have been here longer than me :D but I will definitely get in contact wil you in advanced of any time that I will be down in Okinawa to get some advice for some good dives in that area.


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