I'm more than a bit confused by the OP. Is this not the person who has been arguing for deep air? That we all should be diving deep air so that we can get acclimated to narcosis?
Color me confused.
Does it really matter? He asked a question. I don't see how why his personal feelings on diving air would be an issue when asking for the opinions of the tech community?
But back to the OP's question -- Why not teach Helium from the getgo?
A. It doesn't take a rocket scientist know that He is a LOT more expensive than other gases.
While I agree and I'm sure everyone else here will as well that He is more expensive the question I would have would be can you put a price on being safer? I think if we are willing to spend the money we do on "tech gear" and everything else for this sport the additional cost of He shouldn't be much of a factor.
B. Advantage -- what is the advantage of an He mix over 32% at most "real" recreational depths? Anything much above 100' seems to be OK for most divers so why even add He to the mix?
I agree with you here. I don't know that the He would be a benefit to most recreational divers. Allthough the spearfishing community could definately benefit from the use of He. I know people that go out to the middle grounds and other deep places to shoot fish. Right or wrong they are doing it and at the depths they are diving they come back and tell stories about being narced out of their minds. They need more training and better gas mixes for sure.
Yes, this is technical diving forum but the OP talked about He mixes for "open-circuit and CCR diving at all depths" so it would appear to be an appropriate response here.
C. Is there any Technical Diving Agency that does NOT teach He use for deep dives? I'm not saying they might not also teach deep air, but don't they all teach Trimix? If they do, doesn't this negate the OP's premise?
I could be mistaken here and if I am I have no doubt several people will come along and correct me but the agency I am certified through does OW to around 60' and then AOW to around 130'. Weather any of us like it or not that is the "max reacreational depth". That being said I think He could be a benifit for anyone being taught at an Advanced level or beyond. Weather they use it after they have received training is up to them but they would have one more tool at their disposal to make them safer.
Just my 2 cents.