Funny, as I asked Bobby (UWLD) the same question when I was considering his batteries. He explained it to me, so I'll just copy his response as it explains it way better than I could.All of the Santi literature says to use 12V DC. Isn’t UWLD higher than that?
On Sep 18, 2019, at 3:06 PM, Bobby Franklin <> wrote:
Thanks for the inquiry and I'll do my best to answer your questions. Our system works well with Santi and all other heated systems, the reason is that our battery design and heat controller are more efficient. Our batteries are 18.5v nominal compared to other manufacturers systems that are 11.5v nominal, this gives us a huge advantage in efficiency. We start out turning our system down to mimic a 12v system where the others are starting at only 90% of 12v and quickly drop off from there. We use Pulse Width Modulation, PWM, to maintain a constant heat output until the battery runs out of power on each heat level setting. We can do this because our shut off voltage point with our batteries is above 12v which is the Santi voltage requirement.
On Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 6:22 PM Bob Frank wrote:
Thanks for the response, Bobby. So just to be clear, even though your batteries are 18.5v nominal, the heat controller limits the output to 12v nominal so that they’re still within the rated voltage for the suit (12v) and not overpowering it?
On Sep 18, 2019, at 3:39 PM, Bobby Franklin <> wrote:
Correct and that makes them very efficient.