I finally pulled the trigger and made our reservations for Bonaire. We will be there from April 27 to May 4th. Staying at Den Laman. I decided to spend the extra money to make sure we could get into our room as soon as we get there. We are taking the red eye out of Newark, gets to Bonaire at 4:36AM. Hopefully we can get in and take a little nap before the check out dive. I have been doing some reading on here about Bonaire, but any suggestions on what to bring and not to bring. Anything we should have to help with cooking some of our own breakfasts and lunches. All advice is appreciated. I have the book "Bonaire Shore Diving Made Easy" so I'll try and read some of that before we go, plus picking out some other favorite dives from people on here. Does anyone bring some dry food,such as packages of pasta dishes with or is that prohibited? Should we bring a few spices? Is there a blow dryer at Den Laman?