This is my first post.
Please reply based on your experiences. I just had this happen 2 days ago. I am in my 4th class to be SCUBA certified. My instructor was having us swim in a 25 yard lap pool as far as we can go (in full gear) after he turned off our oxygen. We were to stand up when we were unable to swim any further with the air that we were had from our last breath from the regulator. My guess is that it was supposed to simulate what it was like to be out of air.
Well here is where it gets interesting. I swam the length of the pool - turned and started back. I guess I got about half way back to to the other side. Next thing I know I was awoken (best word I know) after being given mouth to mouth from the instructor from the side of the pool. I was still in the water. One of the other guys from the class was holding me afloat. I swam about 35 yards without air and then apparently passed out. Fortunately the regulator stayed in my mouth which prevented any water from entering my lungs. When I was pulled to the surface I was (as my wife described it) Dark Blue Gray from head to toe, limp and not breathing.
I am trying to figure out what happened to me. I don't understand why I did not surface. I think that I remember saying to myself that I need to go up. But it is all kind of hazy. I have been reading about shallow water blackout - that seems to explain it but I was underwater breathing through the regulater prior to him turning off the tank. So I can't understand how I could have hyperventilated and blew off so much C02.
I'm pretty scared to continue. Like I said this just happened the other day. Near as my wife and I can tell. I was without oxygen for about 5 minutes. It may have been 4 -- wer'e not sure. Fortunately I don't have any ill affects. I am extremely fortunate.