At the time I didn't know whether or not to do that (share air when still had a little bit of air left). I did not feel paniced and was keeping an eye on everything during the entire ascent. I completed my planned saftey stop with the extra time wanted (maybe I shaved a few seconds). My wife was with me the entire time and I showed her my problem and my pressure gauge, so she stayed close ready to share if I asked.
In hind sight, it probably would have been better to buddy breath during the saftey stop. It would have been good practice during this minor emergency how to share air when needed. Also, it would have kept our tanks somewhat equal. You are right: what would have happened if she had a sudden freeflow or equipment failure? Looking at it in hind sight, I agree: I should have buddy breathed with my wife for both her and my safety and also for a good practice of emergency skills. We live and learn. If you make a mistake and live, make sure you don't live to make the same mistake twice.