have anyone ordered equipment from Japan

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Ishikawa, Japan
Hello there,

All right after reading just about everything on this board i am ready to get my 1st diving gear set. Since i move countries about every 2-3 years, thus have no LDS, I've decided to buy online. I want to order the Mares Vector 1000, Suunto Vyper, and the Apeks ATX 50/40 Reg from the scubastore. However, since i currently live in Japan i am not sure if i will have to pay import fees. I checked scubastore's website and they mentioned that no import duty fees will be levied. I don't really trust this because i ordered a pair of hiking boots from L.L.Bean a couple of weeks ago and had to pay a whopping 50 bucks ;-0 of import fees. So if anyone of you who live in Japan have ordered from the Scubastore i would love to hear from you.

You will get hit for import fees and a minimum of 5% consumption tax. Depending on how good the customs broker is the duty could range up to 20% on the BC.
I don't know about Japan but in korea there's a 60% import charge for scuba gear because it's considered a luxury item. I know the Japanese aren't as protective of domestic markets but I'd check with your local customs before getting stung.
soon, I'd be happy to hang on to the gear for you if you have it shipped here. Nihon ni kaete kara, kizai wa nanimo harawanai, ne?

(no, I'm not drunk, just speaking one of her many languages)

Chris in Guam

PS...did Cocos Wall drift today...had to get my air hog diver back on the boat in 28 minutes, but I stayed down a full hour...saw a spotted eagle ray & 2 white tip sharks...one of them over 5' long, which is pretty good size for them. Have a customer planning 4 dives/day all this week, so I'm keeping busy. Went to the GTDS Xmas party tonight...won a dive sausage & Yukiko got a nice dive light.

Take care,
Thanks Chris,

I think i might do just that. I'll check to see how much scubastore will charge to deliver to Guam and drop you an email. I've talked to TOJ from the board and he tells me we definitely have to pay steep import prices in Japan.

As for getting back to Guam, i'd give my frist born to be back there. But, 1500 dollars worth of diving equipment does not afford me the luxury of buying super inflated tickets to Guam. Maybe after the holidays when prices have gone down.....and i've finished paying for that last trip.

Tell Yukiko Jen and I said hello and can't wait to see you guys again (preferably in Guam not Japan).


p.s. you seem to be doing some amazing dives. _Be sure to make a note of all of the good sights 'cause i am diving with you when i come back down.
Thanks guys for the info. so after reading this i picked up a Japanese SCUBA diving magazine and thought maybe it would be cheaper to order from them. FAT CHANCE :wacko: the Suunto vyper which i can get online for about 330 was going for the equivalent of 1100 U.S. :eek: Heck if i order online I'd still be saving even after I factor in custom fees.=-)


Any chance you have friends in the US military? When I was stationed in Okinawa there were several dive shops there on the military bases with great prices and selection. Of course that was many years ago so things might have changed but if you know someone they might be able to help you out.

Most gear in Japan costs an arm and a leg if purchased separately, but you can get great deals if you purchase your gear in a package. Many times you can save more than 50% by purchasing your gear this way.

Off the top of my head, I know of one shop in Osaka that's offering the following package for 114800 yen (in Dec 2003):
- BC: S-Pro Classic Plus + Air2
- Reg: S-Pro MK25 + G250HP
- Guages: AL Analog 3 quage console
And, the following package for 69800 yen:
- BC: S-Pro Classic Sport + Air 2
- Reg: S-Pro MK16 + R380
- Guages: AL Analog 3 guage console

If you open up a Japanese dive magazine like "Diving World," you'll see tons of dive shop ads offering similar deals.

Also, check out this shop (in Osaka) for a decent price on the Suunto Vyper (49000 yen ... approx. $450 USD):
I took your advice and picked up a dive magazine called "Marine World" and found deals comparable to that of LP or the Scuba Store. The best deal I found is from an online company called Amenity Marine Service (AMS) (http://www.ams-ec.co.jp). This will be my first time ordering online from a Japanese online retailer. Has any of you guys had any experience with this, or with AMS. I am so close to resolving this out, i can feel it :satanlook

I live in Japan also and maybe I've been lucky somehow but I've bought a couple of things from Scubastore and have only had to pay the 5% consumption tax! I guess it depends on what you are buying but I thought that under the Japan Import Tariff Schedule Sporting Goods and Water-sport equipment was exempt from import tax? Perhaps I was just lucky, perhaps different equipment for diving levies different tariffs? I can't think under what other tariff chapter they could fall though. I do know that the Walking Boots you ordered come under Footwear and were therefore liable to quite steep tariffs of about 20% or more. Anyway I'd be really interested in hearing if anyone knows for sure what the score is with import tax for diving epuipment. Am I right about the exemption or not? Interested to know because it would be something to consider next time I shop online.

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