I don’t understand the “migrating” part. What is it exactly that migrates?
The wing part?
The whole bc unit?
The Hydros wing has bungees. All separate, not one long one woven around, like the bungee on a Dive Rite wing.
Each Hydros bungee connects from the outer edge of the wing on one side, through a tunnel in the back plate, to the outer edge of the wing on the opposite side.
They keep the right and left sides of the wing curled down and in when the wing has little air in it. The result is actually fairly streamlined.
The bungees don't have anything to keep them from sliding from side to side through the tunnels in the BP. So, you CAN maneuver yourself in such a way that the air all shifts to one side of the wing and that pulls the bungees over to the side. Then, when you roll back to flat, horizontal trim, the bungees are causing the wing to be lopsided.
Like I said earlier, when this happens to me, I just reach back and pull one side of the wing back out (possibly going somewhat head up or down at the same time to help the air shift and equalize between the sides) and it's fine. It doesn't happen to me that often, so while I noticed it, it hasn't bothered me enough to "fix" (e.g. with some zip ties around the bungees to hold them centered).