has any one used a cobra tandem kayak

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west coast USA
Has anyone used a tandem kayak to dive from solo? I thought that the balancing would be awkward with a rigid kayak designed for two to operate solo. I would think that you could store your gear in a certain way to off set the imbalances. I understand that the tandem will be slower. I posted a similar thread and some one told me to trust them that solo was the way to go and another said tandem so I don’t know. I imagine both work well and I am defiantly going to test both but a little info from personal experiences will help the decision Abe
Here is one of the somones and somone was talking about an inflatible and I about a rigid. Why not just go to their site and read about them? If Cobra is preferred over Ocean Kayak give them a call. I spoke at length with Cobra and they were very nice. I wound up with an Ocean Kayak Scupper TW and Prowler 13 for reasons of availability etc----Cobra is very nice, so is Ocean.

Tandem kayaks are not going to paddle solo like a solo kayak or day trip solo or any of that but since you don't believe me I suggest you ask them. I posted an excerpt straight from Ocean Kayak on exactly that in the other thread.

Well, good luck, I suppose your just going to keep asking for opinions until you get one that justifies what you want. Good luck, it will all work out. N

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