Sounds like this is one of the places you'll have to drag me to when I come out to visit in June bro. What are water temps like in late June, early July?
Helluva dip?
yeah, we'll definitely do a dive or 2 in the mighty brownstone. In late June it should be a balmy high 70's (maybe 80) above 20 ft, then the usual 40's-50's below that. Thermoclines galore! I haven't been in it since late last year and I know that Frank (and Ed, and many others) have been busy continuing to build it up. Amazing difference from 5 yrs ago doing my OW dives.
Helluvadip......mmmmm good stuff. I especially found it went well with kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips! Great for a BBQ. It's a store bought onion chip dip.