So what are the more subtle symptoms of being narced that people have experienced?
I like to donate my primary to the fish at 20'
I would say some of the subtle effects of narcosis are perceptual narrowing, such as fixating on the depth gauge or timer; lack of awareness, such as reading your SPG, but not registering/remembering what it reads; and just a general loss of common sense, such as abandoning the plan.
Some examples of narced behavior:
A group of us descended together along a wall and as soon as we got to depth, one guy started swimming towards the middle of the lake. He thought he was following the group, but in fact he as all by himself. Once we regrouped, I was leading the dive and looked over to another buddy- he was staring at his depth gauge. Later on he told me he was fixated on the flashing colon on the dive time. I got his attention and I flashed him a sideways OK. He thought I signaled a 3, so he flashed me a 4, and then a 2. (This was a mental exercise- before the dive we agree to go up or down. If we say up, then if I signal a 4, he should flash 5, etc.)
On another dive, one diver was leading the group and was responsible for turning the dive after 10 minutes. At the 10 minute mark, he just kept on swimming merrily along. We stopped him at 11 minutes. This was a simulated deco dive, but had it been a real dive, he would have blown the plan and probably just swam until he got cold or ran out of gas.
A friend of mine was diving stupid deep air (there's deep air and then there is stupid deep air). He knows he was on the wreck and did the dive, but he can't remember anything about it. He's not fuzzy about the details, he literally can't remember. I think the air at those depths had a similar effect as laughing gas.