We switched from land based diving back in '85 when the strain of moving gear and walking around to hotel and boat and shopping and food for a week became too much of a strain. 17 trips in 15 years on Blackbeard's ended when I fell at home walking across the living room and crushed four toes. That took me from occasionally in a manual wheelchair to total dependence on a power chair. I quit diving until our three yearly trips on the Aqua Cat 2002-04. Used the manual chair on the boat and walked between decks. The walking was obviously too much for safety the last year and the wife told me I was done diving.
After 5 years she realized not diving was more of a health hazard for me than diving presented, so we went to the Caymans last year. Took the 250 pound powered chair with tilt seat, reclining back and elevating legs - all power assist. Those features are significant because I get fatigued and weaker if I do not have them.
So a boat would have to have flat floors and no curb at doors with wide companionways and accessible bathroom. And a way for me to get in and out of the water. I can manage some barriers one at a time, but a week of that is beyond my abilities now. I use a climbing harness because my joints are too weak for arms to serve as handles and at 250 pounds I am a load to lift. In the chair I represent a 500 pound load.
I know we can manage boat diving, it went well last year. I'm looking at shore diving for two reasons. Economy is the first. We would just add a couple days of shore diving to our planned half day boat trips. The other is the opportunity to stay in the water and relax between dives - neutral buoyancy.
If you are interested in joining us I can send you details. You can see pics and description of last years adventures at hickeys dot net under the Grand Cayman '09 menu choice. That also has a few pics from the 204 Aqua Cat trip. Right now just my wife and mother-in-law are committed to the trip. We can manage - I just ordered a 7' trifold ramp.
Sorry, got a bit windy, eh?
- John hickeyjf at netscape dot net