One more tidbit...if you sign the book that you have seen the movie and are don't have to see it again.
I am tempted...hurt my neck doing manual labor yesterday.
But...I might. Good camera action at night when the tide is right. Shouldn't be a big current...little swell...the swell is what makes the viz bad mostly over there...Witches Brew is exciting!! Kinda spooky boys, at night. Big ol Tigers out there and then I might bring my friend that smells like fish guts. Maybe I will loan him a fresh wetsuit. No spears, right? yea..they don't go for that on the tram, there..the movie and all.
Yea...slight incoming is perfect, no harsh current, clean clear water...wish I felt better.
I had a hard time swimming against the little rip tide action through the channel through the surf zone with the camera and big strobe...maybe staying under through there...kinda surgy...when the viz is bad you can get slammed...if the surge isn't bad and the water is clear...much easier. Some big rocks there that can eat a port.
And you can't really swim it at an angle cause the channel is narrow and straight.