Hammerhead sighting in Cozumel today!

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PADI MSDT/Former CZM Dive op owner
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Wayzata, MN
# of dives
2500 - 4999
What a day for me to spend in the land office!!!

My group reported a 7 to 8 ft hammerhead on San Francisco wall at about 80 feet today! It came within 10 feet of them! He swam from the shallows and was swimming down the wall when they spotted him! "He swam into the abyss" they said.

For those of you unfamiliar with Cozumel diving, this is a rare and exciting sighting for us! We typically just see nurse sharks and a few black tips every once in awhile!

I can't believe I missed this one!

While I'm at it, conditions reported were:

100 ft + vis
84 water temp
86 surface temp
flat seas
medium current
and a HAMMERHEAD!!!!!!!
And that IS one place you're taking us, right Christi???

I'll tell ya who I am in a PM :), or another long boring e-mail....Oooops you know already

Mmmmm can't wait :)

Christi once bubbled...
What a day for me to spend in the land office!!!

My group reported a 7 to 8 ft hammerhead on San Francisco wall at about 80 feet today! It came within 10 feet of them! He swam from the shallows and was swimming down the wall when they spotted him! "He swam into the abyss" they said.


When we were there in 2000, we were told that VERY rarely a HH would show up.....I assumed it was just DM-talk, but apparently it does happen. What I would have given to be there!

I was so bummed (but happy for my group) that I didn't dive today...of ALL days! I jsut had too much work to do in THIS office!

DeepScuba...I figured you out a few days ago :wink: As someone on rodales suggested, I'll call "Hammer's" guy and set a lunch date for early November...haha!

Otter...no, that's not DM talk. I've heard about this guy being sighted on occasion, but I've never seen him! The closest I've come to seeing one here before was at Maracaibo...I was diving only to the recreational limits of 129.9999 when I saw him below us a good 20 or 30 feet. I could only see the white outline of his body and he looked like he was about 10 feet long.

I DID see a 7 - 8 ft 300# jewfish a few weeks ago...that was also exciting!

I better shut up now, I'm setting the bar pretty high with all of this rare sighting stuff..haha!
Christi once bubbled...
... a 7 to 8 ft hammerhead
way cool ... that is high on my list of creatures to see
Good stuff. We'll do lunch then :)

As I mentioned in my e-mail, don't believe all you read !!!!!

I'm off the wall (a bit), and tend to have my own views, and I NEVER let the facts stand in the way of my truth!


This is gonna be so sweet..........I'll have to discuss with you the in's and out's of working permanently in Mexico........I'm about done with this cold weather crap up here.

My hat is off to you and your brave descision to make the move south and start up the business.

WoW. I'm sure it was quite the descision.

But she said she doesn't think the picture will come out because she was shooting her macro lens...and she was a god 10 - 20 feet away from him. She said she took a picture anyway, so if it does come out, she is going to send it to me. I'll have her post it or I'll post it IF it comes out...but i highly doubt it!
The recreational limits of 129.9999 on Maracaibo, eh? Uh huh *WINK*

Well you're right--you are setting the bar high. I hope we see something, or several somethings, equally as cool when I dive with you over Thanksgiving!

BTW, this is Angie--different user name on this board. :D
Damn; the best I did was a big, mean barracuda at Palancar Gardens (around 70 feet, mean currents today) followed by a dancing sea turtle at Punta Tunich (lovely drift dive). One of my group photographed a spotted eagle ray, but naturally I missed it. Grr.

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