The thing I think Barry and Ian are both missing as far as the point I may not have made quite clear enough, which is, that I have seen far more ACTUAL issues with folks that love to dink with their knobs

than with hoses mysteriously exploding...not saying it can't happen, but bubble checks will catch this stuff so darn early in so many cases.... The point being I have seen many actual cases of one, and none of the other. I call that unwarranted and ungrounded fears actually causing poorly conceived ideas and protocols.
And of course with the buddy system that we ALL EMPLOY (everyone nodding here....) we're never without a pair of perfectly positioned eyes to see EXACTLY what is going wrong and of course how to fix it, not to mention yor buddy is carrying all your spare gas so the thought of going completely 'gasless', which isn't going to happen when all the bases are covered as above, becomes a rather moot point.
There's no doubt you can shut a valve down that is 3/4 shut vs. a fully opened one faster, with the problem being as mentioned that's the time you pull a boner and your mind goes AWOL and then the extra fiddling occurs which only serves to waste more time. The single 'problem' you're trying to fix is not the bigger problems you're now introducing. THAT happens fairly regularly as seen here even on scubaboard reports.
Keep ehm all the way open and you're golden with the mind-fudges, bad fills etc. You don't have a gas problem, period.
P.S Barry, try it for yourself under controlled circumstances. See if you can shut down an offending post in time. You'll find you probably can. I agree with "Do it easy", I have seen numbers similar to his. The big issues are ruptured LP hoses, so let your reg F/F and see.
Question.....anybody ever see an LP hose rupture in the water without a pile of advanced noticed, spread over dozen of dives or just shear lack of looking for problems before hand (including bubble checks etc)?