halcyon worth the price?

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HI everyone Im a newby to the board. I started diving last year Ive got 18 dives under my belt. Im in the process of buying all my gear I ordered the atx50 and atx40 from diveInn and I wish to thank everyone on the board for the info. My question Im thinking of going with the halcyon ss bp with the 36lbs pioneer wing Im just wondering if its worth the price
Shop around more. You might find that only board members are hip on Halcyon. Can Dive Inn hook you up with air fills? I haven't figured out how to get air from that phone line yet. Let me know if you figure it out.
Originally posted by spanky
Im thinking of going with the halcyon ss bp with the 36lbs pioneer wing Im just wondering if its worth the price
For me it was and is.

But I have to admit I'd look into FredT backplates more closely if I had it to do over.

Extreme Exposure offers a 30-day money back opportunity to try out the Halcyon system. You pay shipping. Compare that to renting a BC for a month. :)

Be sure to check Halcyon prices at www.lloydbaileysscuba.com. Website's being renovated, so you might have to call.
Can you send me some info. on those back plates? What type of warranties does he have? What about the liability he carries in case the plates ever fail? I've heard he has several different weight sizes...Does all halcyon BC's have weight intergration? I'm going to change out BC's this yr. I am getting RID of my weight intergration. I've been diving for 19 yrs. Had the intergration for 1 1/2 yrs. Tired of it. Going back to ole faithful
I'm just simply tired of picking up that BC out of the water. No real other reason.
Originally posted by bengalsmgtsucks
Can Dive Inn hook you up with air fills? I haven't figured out how to get air from that phone line yet. Let me know if you figure it out.
Bengalsmgtsucks makes a good point.

Spanky, be sure to get your fills at the LDS.

FredT is on the board and FredT is his board name. PM him and I am sure he would be happy to send you the info.

Originally posted by bengalsmgtsucks
in case the plates ever fail? I've heard he has several different weight sizes...Does all halcyon BC's have weight intergration? I'm going to change out BC's this yr. I am getting RID of my weight intergration.
When SS plates start failing the end of everything is at hand...

Putting some of your weight in a plate...
And the rest on your weight belt...
Divides the load nicely and is a treat to dive...
You'll like it.
Originally posted by bengalsmgtsucks
Can you send me some info. on those back plates? What type of warranties does he have? What about the liability he carries in case the plates ever fail? I've heard he has several different weight sizes...Does all halcyon BC's have weight intergration? I'm going to change out BC's this yr. I am getting RID of my weight intergration. I've been diving for 19 yrs. Had the intergration for 1 1/2 yrs. Tired of it. Going back to ole faithful
I'm just simply tired of picking up that BC out of the water. No real other reason.

1. FredT's here on the board....just PM him or maybe he'll show up.

2. Weight integration is optional on Halcyon gear.

3. More power to ya. :) I hate weightbelts with a passion myself.
I'm goin to get that BC for 30 days FREE. That's almost as good of a deal as Zeagle has. I had their BC for 60 days at NO charge except shipping back to them down in Fla. 7 bucks. Hellavudeal.

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