i''ll probably train up to cave 1 ... go into large caverns and non of those gungho diving in small crevices. Im not that brave.
The same thing I used to think before to go for the cave1. Then I did the course, I realized that I do not care about large caverns/caves and enjoy much more "small" crevices (obviously no restrictions during a C1 course, so small is relative)
There are a couple of details about the light that you want to know before buying a proper primary, essentially about power, beam angle, brightness, how the light behave in murky waters. Frankly speaking, if I were you I would:
1 - get the tec pass, borrow different lights and try to understand their differences (speak with the instructor)
2 - dive a bit, then contact a cave1 instructor and ask him some suggestions
Be aware that at c1 level you may not need a primary light with a canister; because such lights can be very expensive, I wouldn't hurry up too much: take your time and make your evaluation before to buy it, and consider to purchase one even after the cave1.
FYI, technically speaking you can do even the tech1 without a canister light; but in the sea, if you let the light fall during the deco... well, the light is gone; in a cave you may be more likely to find it again, except if you are in very silty waters. However, you must be able to show that you can manage the cord. I have both a T1 and C1 card, and don't have a primary with a canister yet, but it's probably my next investment, as soon as I can start diving again (damn 2020!). Obviously, during the courses, the instructors gave me a cord light and challenged me (just for one day in the C1, and for the whole course in the case of the T1, if I remember well).