i am almost ready buying a new Mares 22 reg however i found two different sets in the market. Mares Abyss 22 Navy II and Mares Abyss 22X. The truth is that they look like the "Abyss Navy (II): Produced from @ 2011 to present (2020)" and the "Abyss 08: Produced from @ 2008-2018" mentioned above. Am i correct? And from what i understand only the Navy II is certified for cold water. Correct?
You are mostly correct.
The Abyss 22 Navy (II) is certified by the US Navy to pass their standards for use which includes extremely cold water temperature use.
The standard version, currently the Abyss MR 22X, is generally fine for use in cold water and per Mares' product guide is CE certified/approved for cold water use defined as less than 10 degrees celsius (50 degrees farenheight).
The primary differences are as follows:
MR 22 Navy (II) First stage:
1. High pressure poppet is the older tri-material design - Mares has to use this older part to keep the Navy's certification rating even though the current high pressure poppet in use in their X series first stages is the ACT poppet.
2. comes with Mares' oil filled CWD (cold water dive system) kit installed
Abyss Navy (II) Second Stage:
1. Black faceplate
2. Teflon coating on interior of the 2nd stage body and some bit piece parts to prevent the formation of ice crystals under very extreme conditions.
MR 22X First stage:
1. Current model ACT poppet.
2. No dry kit but you have the option to install the oil filled CWD or the dry CWD if you feel you need one.
Abyss Second Stage:
1. Silver faceplate
2. No teflon coating on interior or bit piece parts.
3. There was an update to the demand lever a bunch of years ago that they could not use on the Navy certified 2nd stage as it would cause Mares to lose the Navy's certification.
The questions to ask yourself are:
Do you really need a 1st stage with a cold water kit installed?
Do you want the hassle of an oil filled cold water kit? The oil filled kit will add to the cost of service.
The tri-material poppet can be replaced with the ACT poppet when the 1st stage is serviced.
I dive with a pair of Mr 22 Abyss Turbos from 2000-2004, no cold water kit, and they have performed flawlessly in water temps down to between 2-3 degrees Celsius.
The Navy certification just means that the Navy version of the reg set passed some super rigorous testing where the regulator continued to function in extended extreme conditions even when it iced over. The reality is that most recreational divers will not come close to the criteria that the reg set was tested for, and if you were doing that kind of diving or planned to, you would not be asking about it.
Here is link to the report from the testing that was done by the Navy:
It should be noted that production of the non-Navy MR22 Abyss reg set was discontinued by Mares in 2018, but is still supported for parts/service. The Navy version is still produced because Mares does not have another reg set in their line-up that has officially been tested to meet the US Navy's criteria.