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The first is the MR12 that originally came with the III second stage.Hello , just bought (30 USD) nearly unused Mares MR12 IV second stage with first one equiped with one HP and four LP ports. Is it MR12 first version without black plastic cap ?
You got it. When you are looking at service kits, the latest (46201370) will have the poppet (the T shaped piece that seals against the high pressure seat). You have to buy it separately with the earlier kits.Great , so besides non-replaceable high pressure seat it could be fully maintained using Mares service kits ?
No. You want to install the poppet that comes in the current service kit. Most older factory kits and aftermarket kits don't include any poppet. It has to be purchased separately.Ok to clarify kit 46201370 will contain all needed orings and filters and only poppet should be taken from older kit ? Anyway i've got very good scuba service guy in city so i'll discuss it with him.
Thank you.
The letter prefix indicates the item. Note that the prefix refers to the whole package. For example, according to a tech bulletin from 2012, an Abyss that came with the Navy set has an NV prefix, while an Abyss Octo has an OY. The number part is sequential for each prefix, so you can't tell which of two stages was made first unless they have the same prefix.Hi lowwall ....
Not to hijack your thread but I have a question about the MR22 series regs serial nnumbers. I have read your articles and called no joy. What gives with the serial number sequence of these? Some have an "E" prefix, some an "EE" prefix. Some with no prefix at all. Is there any correlation between serial numbers and year of manufacture or place of origin?
Any assistance Is appreciated.
Thanks .... JP