guide ropes at Redondo ???

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Over the week-end I heard from someone that a few local divers are talking about putting guide ropes between the structures at Redondo. If any of y'all are part of that discussion ... please don't do it.

Several of us instructors use those structures to help teach navigation skills. It's one of the most ideal dive sites in the area for that purpose.

Please, before you decide to do stuff like that ... check with the LDS to see if it's gonna mess up their classes. In this case, it would.

If you feel you need guide ropes to move 50 - 100 feet between structures, let's talk about a navigation class. I'll give you a sweet deal on a specialty class to develop skills you should really have anyway.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I agree....who needs ropes at Redondo?
Please!!!! No guide ropes.
But Bob I need guide ropes from the boat parking lot to the boat wash station.

Serously Bob is right, Redondo has been set uP for a great navagation learning site and I know allot of instructors who depend on it for UW nav classes.
Grateful Diver Said:
Several of us instructors use those structures to help teach navigation skills. It's one of the most ideal dive sites in the area for that purpose.

Oh c'mon Bob. If there would just guide ropes between the objects of the Navigation Course I would finally be able to complete it!
I agree, as we have all seen at Seacrest, guide ropes make folks dependent on the ropes. I've seen many divers at Cove 2 follow the boundary rope up to it's end in shallow water. They surface and try to figure out where they are and how they can get back to the beach. This is a boundary rope to define the periphery around the fishing pier, not a guide rope, but most folks don't make the connection....
I don't mind the guide ropes but I certainly do mind all the concete blocks and floats!
I have to keep removing and re-attaching my guide leash to the line.
Can't something be done about this!
Uncle Pug:
I don't mind the guide ropes but I certainly do mind all the concete blocks and floats!
I have to keep removing and re-attaching my guide leash to the line.
Can't something be done about this!

Perhaps what you need is a seeing-eye dogfish to help you find your way around ... and a bunch of velcro attachments for your drysuit ... for all those little accessories you keep misplacing.


... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Perhaps what you need is a seeing-eye dogfish to help you find your way around ... and a bunch of velcro attachments for your drysuit ... for all those little accessories you keep misplacing.


... Bob (Grateful Diver)

No, what UP needs is to add helium to his mix. I'm convinced it's narcosis. Trust me, he will start remembering and will no longer need the seeing-eye dogfish. :wink:

I totally agree with you Bob. I hadn't dove Redondo in over 20 years. The last time I was there, there was still a Navy DSRV train vessle at the old dock.
I dove there Sat. afternoon what a great dive site. I may have not seen it all as I found an old boat with a large Octo living under it. I spent most of my time taking his picture. I will be back.
They want ropes to help find the things they are looking for. They need to learn how to use a compass. Then they would forget about the ropes.

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